Rough Ride Ahead
I can’t say enough about how much I admire Dr David E Martin and his impressive erudition and his ability to articulate what is happening. He does not mince words when he calls Anthony Fauci a “mass-murdering psychopath…who is actively killing human beings.” in regard to Covid 19
The world is only just now beginning to catch up with him and everything he told us a year ago in Plandemic II.
From 2003 to 2018, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, the CDC, Bill Gates and others controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.
The truth ? Anthony Fauci a “mass-murdering psychopath…who is actively killing human beings.” David E Martin talking with Dr Jane Ruby
All Covid 19 You want the truth, can you handle the truth ? SEE DEL BIG TREE speaking with Mike Adams
Graphene Oxide BY DR. JANE-RUBY 4_5976673186836646447. PDF
click link below Devastating: THE PCR TEST is a FRAUD perpetrated by
Professor Christian Drosten and Olfert Landt and much much more By Dr Robert young
Analysis of….. Four Dominant mRNA Vaccine Bioweapon
On 20 August 2021 Dr. Robert Young published his team’s findings after analyzing the four dominant COVID-19 “vaccines” using Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. Their findings both confirm and expand upon the prior investigations carried out by Dr. Pablo Campra (University of Almeria, Spain) and Dr. Juan F. Gastón Añaños (Hospital de Barbastro, Spain). These findings are summarized in the table below.
Many of these substances were observed as being bonded to graphene oxide nanoparticles. GO nanoparticles are necrotic, able to pass into or through physiological barriers including (but not limited to) the blood-air barrier, the blood-testis barrier, the blood-brain barrier, and the blood-placenta barrier. Over a period of several months after intramuscular injection, as much as 75% of the GO nanoparticle “delivery platform”, and most of the substances listed below, are transported extensively throughout the bodies of mammals, into the blood, brain and other organs. Some of the many toxic effects of graphene oxide are myocarditis and blood clotting.
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(Natural News) Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and diagnostics lab owner and operator based out of Idaho, has released shocking new information about how Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are causing a massive “uptick” in autoimmune diseases and cancer. In a video produced by the Idaho state government’s “Capitol … [Read More…]
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How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine (lawyers, forms, etc)
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If I were an employee or student who was required or feeling coerced into getting a COVID vaccine, here’s how I would strategically handle it…
May 27, 2021 (True Whole Human) — Recently, a friend of mine who adamantly did NOT want to get a COVID vaccine did so anyway because of pressure from her peers and her employer.
For any of you who feel pressured to get a COVID jab and feel like it’s becoming impossible to say no, I’ve got your back.
Before I’m done you will:
Understand why vaccine mandates and coercion are illegal.
Have a practical way to converse about your decision to opt out.
Feel confident in your decision, and (I hope) feel emboldened to speak up.
Side note: In case you missed my recent article on 18 reasons I won’t be getting a COVID vaccine, you might check it out if you want additional talking points beyond what’s below.
Dealing with employer & school mandates
If I were an employee or student who was required or feeling coerced into getting a COVID vaccine, here’s how I would strategically handle it …
Ask for exemptions
Politely, and with a curious tone, ask what exemptions are in place for people who need to decline the shot?
If you get any pushback for asking that question, you can kindly say that is between you and your doctor.
Hopefully, you’ll be presented with how to file/qualify for the allowed exemptions and that will be the end of the story.
If asking for exemptions does not prove to be fruitful, here’s what I would do next.
Point out liability
Pharma can’t be sued for injuries or deaths caused by their vaccines, but companies, schools, and individuals that mandate them can be.
If your institution is trying to mandate or coerce you into taking something against your will, not only is that 100 percent ILLEGAL (more on that below), by forcing you to take a product they make themselves liable if you get injured or die.
No organization wants to hear that, but given the way our government is promoting the COVID “vaccines,” it is understandable that most institutions don’t even know that mandates are illegal, nor do they understand the liability mandates expose them to.
To give you legal and ethical ground to stand on, let’s start here …
Vaccine mandates for experimental COVID shots are against the law in the U.S.
You can see the actual law in this letter sent to all universities currently trying to mandate the COVID shot.
Mandates (and shockingly many of the government-sponsored vaccine ads) go against FTC law regarding deceptive advertising.
Mandates create all sorts of problems with HIPAA (medical-privacy) law – in case you care to see the list of ongoing lawsuits that have arisen when people’s HIPAA rights are violated, you can click here.
Furthermore, coercion tactics are in violation of U.S. and International Law.
The opening frame of the Nuremberg Code — written after WWII to make sure no one is ever again forced to participate in medical interventions without their consent — states this:
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
Did you catch that part about: “without … any coercion”?
In actuality, these mandates, and the entire COVID narrative violate all 10 items of the Nuremberg code.
If you want to see what a group of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors are doing to highlight these issues and begin new crimes-against-humanity trials, you can click here.
The short version: The good guys are punching back.
The bottom line: Mandates and coercion are ILLEGAL.
If your school or employer goes to court and is found guilty of breaking these very-clear laws, they will lose.
Let that sink in … and now let’s talk about how to practically …
Stand up for your rights
Here are two tactics you can consider to help you point this out the problems with mandates:
Good Cop: You could mention this liability issue as a way to show you are looking out for the best interest of your school or employer — i.e. you could be the hero that keeps them out of court, helps craft a respectful policy, and saves them countless dollars in legal battles.
Bad Cop: You could overtly mention litigation and that you would be happy to file a lawsuit if anything happens to you or your peers. This may or may not be good for office politics (or your education/career path), but if you’re in a position of leverage, this may be the fastest way to sway in your organization’s policy.
Before I get to how I might handle peer pressure or medical pressure, permit me a …
Critical thinking interlude
Given the above, I’d argue there are some critically important questions to ask:
Why are our governments literally spending billions of taxpayer dollars to overtly coerce all of us to take these experimental products?
Are they ignorant of the law (seems implausible) or are they actively, knowingly engaged in something illegal?
Why is the White House not quick to point out to businesses that mandates and coercion are against the law?
Why is the FTC not cracking down on illegal and deceptive advertising? – Why is it left to non-profits to take our institutions to task?
Why are donuts, cash, or reestablishing pre-covid privileges (like going to a ballpark in NY without a vaccine and sitting where you used to) not at least being frowned up as manipulation, or discrimination, if not overt coercion?
It’s not as if the federal government, and even some states, are being subtle about trying to get everyone to take these “vaccines.”
They are shoving it on us, and using every well-honed tactic of fear, guilt, shame, and attempts to withhold freedoms that they can come up with.
If you don’t think this is happening, as kindly as I can say it, you’re not paying attention.
This propaganda is happening from the White House podium and our taxpayer dollars are funding the largest, coercion-based, “vaccine” promoting media blitz in history.
In case you missed it, here’s a recent quote from Joe Biden?
“The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.”
I’m not a lawyer, but that sure sounds like coercion, Mr. President!
… and you’re not even being subtle about it.
Shame on you.
You are breaking the Nuremberg code.
You are contributing to the division in this nation.
You are being dismissive of the risks these products carry.
You’re tying our freedoms to compliance with what you think it best.
You are stepping into the middle of a private decision between us and our doctors.
You are unraveling trust in science, medicine, and our government.
When did you become so emboldened as to blatantly violate the law?
Are you actually ignorant of the law, or do you know better and do this anyway?
It makes me wonder if you’re a President … or a puppet.
Side note: I’m saving my thoughts on the wizards behind the curtain for another post about how you can talk me out of my “conspiracy theory.”
For now, here’s the point …
If our federal government can unashamedly break the law, encourage social media titans to censor all dissent, suppress or withhold all non-vaccine treatments, and erode our freedoms, who then is actually looking out for us?
This isn’t a gray area. Mandates and coercion are black-and-white illegal.
Even if you want to get the “vaccine” (fine, that’s your choice), does it not bother you to see what our federal government is doing?
If clear examples of government overreach don’t bother you, I’m guessing (I could be wrong) this is because they have worn you down by taking away so many of your freedoms that you’re willing to make this intellectual compromise just so life can “go back to normal.”
Am I right?
Dear friends, if you think giving up your freedoms has ever resulted in getting them back, you don’t know history.
The only way we take back our freedoms is to fight for them.
As sincerely as I can ask: At what point will you look at the bigger picture and say “OK, this has crossed an unethical line”
What more would have to happen before you say that?
Even if you like the so-called “vaccine,” what is your line in the sand for unethical government overreach, and when will you stand up and do something about it?
OK … interlude over … back to how to effectively push back against pressure to get a “vaccine.”
Find legal help
Given that our leaders aren’t likely to be held accountable or change their tune in the next few months, let’s turn our attention back to the immediately practical.
If I’m in your shoes … and the above didn’t cause your school or employer to (quickly) remove the mandate, or at the very least hastily find an exemption, I’d make sure to kindly submit (in writing) my objection to being forced to take it, and let it be known that if I am forced to do so, or if my employment is threatened, I would have to consider legal action.
If you need help finding an attorney to pushback against your school or employer, here are some resources for you:
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) – In order to obtain potential legal assistance, email ICAN at and provide a copy of the written notice from your school or employer stating that the COVID-19 vaccine is required. You can also see this letter ICAN is sending to all universities mandating vaccines.
America’s Frontline Doctors, Legal Eagle Dream Team (love that name) – has put together fantastic letters you can share with your employer or school to put the fear of God in them by showing them how untenable a vaccine mandate is and the scary volume of liability they would have if they tried to.
Children’s Health Defense – has put together this simple one-page letter explaining the law to any employer or school that attempts to mandate the COVID vaccine.
Health Freedom Defense Fund – They aid families and individuals whose health rights have been infringed and they support legal challenges to unjust laws that undermine our health and freedoms. You can contact them and see a list of resources here. Their legal team can also send Cease-and-Desist letters on your behalf if needed.
State-by-State List of Vaccine Attorneys. If you need help for a more specific situation, you can check out this list of attorneys standing by to help.
For those living in Canada, you might be able to find legal help here.
I’m sure there are other places you can find legal help and letters to submit to your organization (if you know of more please let me know and I will add them), but the above should get you started.
Now let’s turn our attention to …
Dealing with medical or peer pressure
If you are under pressure from anyone in the medical profession to get a covid jab, here are some ways I might handle it.
Doctors work for you, not the other way around.
If a healthcare professional is pressuring you to take the shot, politely (or confrontationally if that’s your style) fire that doctor or nurse and find a new one.
There are plenty of doctors who are happy to protect (and champion) your right to decline the shot.
If your relationship with your doctor (or a friend/peer) is one you want to keep and you’d rather take more of a bridge-building/educational approach, you can pivot to this strategy:
As I detailed in my last post, there are so many show-stopper, inconvenient, exposing questions to ask about these “vaccines,” but let me give you the simplest one that is probably all you need.
Ask for a Lab Test to Screen You for Susceptibility to Vaccine Injury
In other words, ask your doctor (or friend) what type of lab tests are available to make sure that your body (or someone with your health condition) is not at risk for having any of the known, heart-wrenching, life-altering injuries detailed in this video from the Informed Consent Action Network.
Video Player
If you didn’t watch the above video montage yet, please find the time.
Those stories are just a fraction of the ones that the powers-that-be would prefer to sweep under the rug in their unabashed vaccine propaganda.
The point is …
None of the people in the montage above were tested for counter-indications that would have been a red flag for a possible vaccine injury.
Because testing for susceptibility doesn’t happen.
The best “screening” I could find is this laughable, propaganda document from the CDC that basically says unless you have a severe allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol (or your first COVID jab), you should be good to go.
The bottom line: There is no test your doctor can give you to screen you for possible complications.
Not one.
Let that sink in.
If you don’t believe me, ask for a test.
The pushback you may get …
If you ask the unanswerable question, you’ll likely get the standard, canned reply … “Not to worry, the vaccines are safe and effective, and the risks are one-in-a-million.” (BTW, injuries are way more than one in a million).
In case you get that predictable reply, here’s all you have to do — repeat your question.
Say, “I get it doc, but how do we know MY body is not at risk for becoming injured?”
An honest doctor (or nurse/pharmacist, etc.) will tell you there’s no way to know.
No modestly-informed person, certainly no medical professional, disputes that all medical products carry risks.
Furthermore, is there any medical professional or public-health leader who denies that these shots have injured or killed people?
From blood clots to menstrual issues to Bell’s palsy to anaphylaxis’, body-wide hives, life-altering tremors, and death, these vaccines carry very real risks.
In case you’re reasoning with someone in the medical profession, let me drive home the unanswerable question with a video interview of three nurses who were devastatingly injured when they got a COVID “vaccine.”
Healthcare workers Shawn Skelton, Angelia Gipson Desselle Kristi Simmonds appear on a recent episode of Del Bigtree’s HighWire. SOURCE: The HighWire with Del Bigtree / Rumble
All three nurses:
Suffer from debilitating tremors.
Are unable to work, thus they lost their income.
Are unable to drive.
Get no worker’s compensation.
Have no recourse to sue the manufactures.
Have mountains of debt from all their medical bills.
Have been abandoned by their own medical profession.
Can’t file an insurance claim because their situation isn’t covered.
Have to rely of family members to meet their most basic and personal needs.
Blame themselves for not “doing their homework.”
Two of the nurses didn’t even know the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) existed before they took the shot.
One of them even said if she had been presented with the “anecdotal” information about all the risks, she would have still gotten the shot.
Do you suppose she thinks differently now?
Do you think she wouldn’t take back her choice in a heartbeat?
These nurses were all “pro-vaccine,” obviously.
They all “trusted the science” and now have been left with injuries that may be lifelong.
How do you know this wouldn’t happen to you?
Is this the time for blind faith, or is it the time for tougher questions?
In case you need any other questions to reason with your friends or medical professionals, here are some other talking points to choose from:
Ask when the clinical trials for these “vaccines” ended? Hint: They haven’t. They aren’t schedule to be over until near the end of 2022 or sometime in 2023.
Ask to see the results of the long-term safety studies. Hint: There aren’t any. How could there be?
Ask to see the “package insert.” What’s that? It’s an informative piece of paper that should come with every shot. If you can find one, you can ask questions like:
What does it mean “There is no FDA-approved Covid-19 vaccine?” (p.1), or
Why doesn’t it list “stopping transmission or infection of the ‘SARS-CoV-2 virus’” as one of the benefits (p.3)? Hint: that’s because SARS-CoV-2 is the virus – Covid-19 is the symptoms you manifest. Accidental omission? Hardly.
Ask when we’ve ever used an unapproved vaccine (or any vaccine) in the middle of an outbreak. Hint: We never have. Why not? What problems could that cause?
Especially if you’ve already had COVID: Ask when have we ever vaccinated people for a disease they have already overcome? Hint: We never have. Why would we do that now? What risks does that present?
Ask what other medical product has ever been prescribed for every medical condition, every gender, and (almost … they’re working on it) every age? Hint: Not one. So, what makes these products something that is “safe and effective” for everyone, without even adjusting the dosage regardless of how old you are or how much you weigh?
Ask if they’ve seen any of these 18 reasons not to get the shot.
You might even curiously point out that:
In 1976, our government stopped a rushed vaccine program (for H1N1) because:
450 (of 45,000,000 who were vaccinated) reported developing Guillain-Barre syndrome (.00001%)
30+ people died (less than .000001%)
For comparison sake …
(NOTE: The numbers below rely on a reporting system that is notorious for capturing only a small fraction (1%) of known adverse events, Nonetheless, let’s compare the best data we can find from U.S. and EU government agencies.)
4,000+ people have reportedly died in the U.S.
7,700+ have reportedly died in Europe
55,000+ have reported anaphylaxis in the U.S. alone
3,200+ have reported clotting disorders in the U.S. alone
That’s probably a few more clotting disorders than you heard about in the news …
… and yet the COVID-vaccine agenda marches on.
What would it take for us to finally be alarmed at the carnage these vaccines are causing?
If you formally ask the CDC such questions, be prepared for a long silence.
With all that said, let’s step back from logical arguments and get personal.
Dealing with the emotional loss of family, friends, and freedom
Now, you may be thinking, “OK, I get it — the vaccines carry real risks and the mandates are illegal.”
BUT, if I cause a ruckus or say no to the shot, I’m also saying no to seeing my family and friends, I’m likely losing my ability to travel, and I may have a pick an uncomfortable fight with my work/school, etc.
If that’s you, perhaps this quote from Benjamin Franklin can be of value:
“He who gives up a little freedom to gain a little security, deserves neither and will lose both.”
Yes, your life, and your choices in the near term may get annoyingly, unpalatably disrupted.
Your family may refuse to talk to you.
You may have to find new friends.
You may travel less … for a while.
But, what is better, handing over your freedom and gambling that you won’t get injured, or adjusting your strategy and expectations, finding new friends, and fighting for your freedom.
Which choice will you look back on and say was the right choice?
Here are two things I can tell you:
Given that demand for the COVID jab is plummeting, the propaganda engine is kicking into high gear. The pressure is not going to let up anytime soon. You’re either going to cave, or find your backbone.
You are NOT alone. The truth-loving, science-protecting, freedom fighters are not cowering in their basements. I’ve been encouraged to meet so many of the them (doctors, nurses, scientists, and activists) since writing this post that went viral.
In addition to knowing you’re not alone, be encouraged by looking at the revolutions of history that have overthrown tyranny.
What you find is that there’s a good chance we don’t even need a majority. If (from the estimates I’ve seen) 13-20 percent of us will get loud, organized, and stand up for truth, we win this!
Look, I know it takes courage to stand in the fire.
I know these conversations are uncomfortable, but do you have a better option?
As I said above, once they take our freedom, they won’t give it back.
If we cave in now, there will be more mandates, and more erosion of our freedoms.
Here’s the beautiful thing about speaking truth and asking genuinely-thoughtful questions — there’s no need to be rude, or bombastic; truth just needs to be spoken.
People will recognize truth when they hear it.
Where can you let your voice be heard and stand up for what’s right?
In conclusion
I hope you found this both practically helpful and inspiring.
Don’t be bullied into compromising your integrity and succumbing to an illegal mandate.
The time to stand up for truth is upon us. It may get uncomfortable, but so be it.
For all of you who’ve felt too fearful to speak out, we need you.
Find the courage to stand in the fire and join the fight.
Truth is going win!
Published with permission from True Whole Human.
The Time for Silence is Over
A unified pushback against the globalist agenda
One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into
ANYONE can participate
ANYWHERE in the world
JOIN or read about it here –
The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.
In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.)
The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank.
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If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:
If you want to fight back better:
Find the others:
Spike Protein Protocol
McCullough MD (aug 2023):
He recommended three supplements to mitigate harm and degrade spike proteins:
- Nattokinase – 2000 units twice a day. Breaks down spike protein.
- Bromelain – 500 milligrams once a day. Also breaks down spike protein.
- Curcumin – 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.
Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
Astaxantin 5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite
Myocarditis: Nicotine
Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.
Fasting cures everything!
How to find the truth :
Search engine:,, Searx (choose the server that you want) or
Facebook style: or
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May 27, 2021
Posted byrightsfreedomsJune 2, 2021Posted inSolutionTags:attorney, coronavirus, covid, lawyers, overcome, pandemic, peers, pressure, sars, Solution, vaccine, vaccine passport
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174 thoughts on “How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine (lawyers, forms, etc)”
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Tim K
October 14, 2021 at 11:09 am
My nephew works for a DOD Contractor. He is required to be fully “vaxxed” by 11/22.21.
He is not military but does technically work for the govt, I think.
Does he have any recourse?
October 14, 2021 at 12:16 pm
Hello I can provide some great resources and a template to apply for a religious exemption. I’m a Fed and applied yesterday. Email me at
Tim K
October 14, 2021 at 4:02 pm
thanks. I will email you now. 4 pm pacific time
November 25, 2021 at 3:50 pm
Why give your email to a Fed? Why not post the “great resources and a template” online for ALL To use, “Bob”?
October 14, 2021 at 12:39 pm
Am wanting to know if is work for the plan when they mandate that for the customer
October 14, 2021 at 3:43 pm
In one of my child’s classes, they have asked them to write about why they are either for the vaccine or against it while showing a news story to show the evidence. I find this to be an issue that should not be addressed in school, nor should they ask children to give their stance on the subject.
Pingback: Global Taxation And Gun Control…Now We Know What’s In The Jabs…But What’s The Purpose?…Gender Educational Insanity…The Left Teaching Our Kids To Be Good Government Soldiers…No You Are Not Alone-Time To Stand Up! – On the Right Side Rad
October 20, 2021 at 11:25 am
wonderful read, thank you for your effort.
The government serves we the people, however in this whole series of events it is we the people who have allowed Government to get this far. We need to take on some responsibility. Support your community not more segregation, support local food growers and those who dont work for chemical companies. Use your voice ye, but rely on your actions and stick together from a heartfelt place not one of policy
October 26, 2021 at 3:09 pm
What about the Military even in Florida the National Guard members will lose their jobs on 30 June 22 if not fully Vd by that date. There are 2 issues with some of the soldiers: 1 many have had covid already but Robust immunity is not accepted (yet) the second is the rest do not want to take the shot. So, if they are forced to keep their jobs to they change their informed consent form from understand and accept to “did not elect but mandated to take shot”. ??? I believe the paper work you have to sign when getting the shot still talks of “under research” and still states it is elective
Aster Dessalgen
November 5, 2021 at 1:18 am
I need help my son he has kidney failure and he can’t speak I don’t want to give him vaccination how can I get help from lawyer pls I. Need help
Liked by 1 person
Great Scott
November 8, 2021 at 1:21 am
Check the Legal link on the A F L D S site. Also, open a free account on The Dr Ardis Show site. He has tons of great medical and legal resources.
Record Man
November 5, 2021 at 7:21 pm
I work for an electric and gas utility provider headquartered in Jackson Michigan . Yesterday, 11/4/2021 after the OSHA “emergency temporary standard” was published my company put out this email below. Basically, vaccinate or leave. On February 24th, 2022 I would have been with this company for 30 years, looks like I’m not going to make it to that anniversary.
When we last spoke to you about COVID-19, President Biden had recently announced his COVID-19 Action Plan. One piece of the plan is an executive order that mandates that companies with federal contracts implement a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for their co-workers and contractors. As a company with numerous federal contracts, all XYZ co-workers, which includes ABC and XYZ co-workers and service contractors will be required to become fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This includes remote, hybrid and in-person employees, new employees, and our service contractors. This federal mandate does not allow for a weekly testing alternative.
We have not come to this conclusion lightly, but as we have done throughout the pandemic, we will comply with all legal requirements. With the help of legal counsel, consultations with third-party experts, and an exhaustive review of all available guidance, we have concluded that we are required to comply with this piece of the Action Plan based on the following key facts:
ABC and XYZ have service contracts and several other relevant agreements with federal executive agencies.
ABC and XYZ are contractors for many corporations who are also classified as covered federal contractors, and as a contractor doing work on their property and for them, our workforce will be required to be vaccinated.
This federal mandate requires that ABC and XYZ co-workers and contractors be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In upcoming communications, we will let co-workers know what date they need to be fully vaccinated by.
According to the CDC, people are considered fully vaccinated:
2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine
Due to the timeline necessary to become fully vaccinated, we encourage all unvaccinated co-workers to prioritize beginning this process. Co-workers will need to have their first shot by December 8, 2021. You can find the locations of vaccination clinics in Michigan at
There will be considerations for validated religious and medical exemptions. We are currently in the process of onboarding a vendor to manage vaccine status and exemption requests.
If you are already fully vaccinated, there is no action needed at this time.
We recognize that there are many questions that we cannot answer yet. Our commitment was to be as transparent as possible in a timely manner. Over the next days and weeks, we will continue to provide you with updates, more detailed information, and answers to your questions (e.g., how to provide your vaccination status, etc.) Click here for an initial list of FAQs. In addition, once we know more, each Senior Vice President will be hosting a townhall with their teams. Look for these calendar invitations in the coming weeks.
We know that this is an impactful announcement which may cause a range of emotions and reactions in our co-workers. We must look beyond what could divide us, and instead remain united in our commitment to deliver for our customers.
Stay safe
November 17, 2021 at 4:38 pm
Record Man.
The letter posted is 95% identical to the letter my company sent out. Long story short, I will be losing my job as a Union Wireman in STL, MO because of the mandates. I will NOT get vaxxed. im not an anti-vaxxer either. Whats interesting is a family member, and his Doctor Wife BOTH got covid again, AFTER each has had original 2-doses, and a booster! But the rest, UN-vaxxed family members(had covid, survived), have yet to get again. I trust my immunity. Not sure what ill do now for money. Unlike your 30 yrs, Im at 15 yrs, in the prime of my working career, and will now be left to what….
January 14, 2022 at 2:12 pm
Go Ryan!! This “vaccine” was found by a Russian Lab tester: 3 out of 5 doses were SALINE. This is to cover the ingredients of the other 2 (BAD stuff!). (if you want me to send the CDC’s list of ingredients, let me know)
Biden is at the forefront of the “20/30 Agenda” – the Communist plan is to start with Corona (2020) and be COMPLETELY Communist by 2030. At that time, we will have NO right to speak freely, or write these comments. 100% Government propaganda! As the mainstream News agencies are doing right now.
The Rothchilds and Rockefellers and powers that be – want to control you, and they want to see how far you will go to obey them. Even if people LIKE the vaccine, what is those people’s line in the sand for unethical government overreach, and when will they stand up and do something about it? (The answer is NEVER – they are becoming Communists, and that’s the world power’s GOAL.)
My wife and I will NEVER accept this “vaccine”, and I’m happy to hear that my daughter and her family REFUSE. Who knows – this MAY be the “Mark of The Beast”. With Biden’s recent News about his database of all vaccinated people – who use RELIGION as a reason – will be put into concentration camps…
November 21, 2021 at 6:18 am
Thanks for the help in this question, the easier, the better …
Pingback: 🥀Dismissal of Divisiveness 🥀 PART 3
November 24, 2021 at 3:24 pm
It’s not due to not paying attention, it’s due to Brainwashing.
Pingback: How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine (lawyers, forms, etc) – The blog of Igor Boyar
November 27, 2021 at 10:45 am
I live in Washington State. I am not able to find a doctor or nurse that I can trust. The NP I have now was irate with me on my last visit because I will not take the shot. Where I live in rural Jefferson County….the hospitals have a Covid 19 protocol and all healthcare providers must read from the same script. It’s horrible! My husband and I have decided not to got to a hospital…because it’s a death camp! We would rather die at home. We have found ways to get therapeutics through Telemedicine, but those doctors are running out of pharmacies that will fill scripts. I made one order last summer for ivermectin and had it sent to my home. When I saw my NP for a physical she noticed that it showed up in MyChart and was angry with me. Asked where I got it from…..told her it was none of her business! Now I have found away to avoid that…..really creepy!
I will stay anonymous for now due to where I live. We want to move from here but can’t due to the fact that my husbands mother is in a memory care facility.
January 14, 2022 at 2:06 pm
Lynn, be VERY afraid. The Rothchilds and Rockefellers and powers that be – want to control you, and they want to see how far you will go to obey them. I live outside the USA (I would NEVER live there!) and everybody globally is PUSHED to take this garbage. Even if people LIKE the vaccine (I’m for “choice” [but not with abortion]), what is their line in the sand for unethical government overreach, and when will they stand up and do something about it? (The answer is NEVER – they are becoming Communists, and that’s the world power’s GOAL.)
My wife and I will NEVER accept this “vaccine”, and I’m happy to hear that my daughter and her family REFUSE. Who knows – this MAY be the Mark of The Beast. With Biden’s recent News about his database of all vaccinated people – who use RELIGION as a reason – will be put into concentration camps…
BE AFRAID. Be VERY afraid. We already have “evac” back packs – money and food and a gun – in case the Gestapo does come, we’ll go out the other door. We have plans, and alternate plans – to leave and go to a country warm (we can farm year ’round) – where there as a lesser chance of this world Gestapo.
We wish you well, and get OUT of America! Biden is at the forefront of the “20/30 Agenda” – the Communist plan is to start with Corona (2020) and be COMPLETELY Communist by 2030. At that time, we will have NO right sto speak freely, or write these comments. 100% Government propaganda! As the mainstream News agencies are doing right now.
December 6, 2021 at 8:21 pm
I took the vaccine so that you all would stand up and not take it. If I WAS FORCED BECAUSE I identify as white.
No Canada
Just listen to the anthem says it all
December 6, 2021 at 8:22 pm
I love vax can I have more free vax wanna bang some vax
December 10, 2021 at 8:36 pm
If you don’t take a free shot with an extremely low risk, are you prepared to accept the costs of your hospital care that could be in exceeds of $50k out of pocket? Are you prepared to accept liability if someone gets sick because of you? As a risk benefit question, it’s a choice everyone has to weight a very low risk of adverse reactions against a nontrivial risk of costing yourself, your network, and/or society many tens of thousands. It seems like a rational person who has the choice would not choose to put a minor inconvenience ahead of the lives of yourself and others, would not have a hard time with this.
December 10, 2021 at 9:59 pm
Yeah my friend took the risk of the free shot, shes dead now.
Ya know if the damn thing worked I might even be willing to take that risk but more and more we’re seeing that it doesn’t. Personally I have not been sick since 2010, I have O- blood which is the least risk of catching covid, I think my chances are small of catching it.
As far as someone getting sick because of me, theres just as much chance of them getting sick because of you, we can both carry it and we can both spread it
Liked by 1 person
December 13, 2021 at 1:11 am
No vaccine. Total scam. Take it if you want blood clots and heart problems.
December 23, 2021 at 4:55 am
Very nice article and very balanced.
You have the calm and composure to face this difficult mandate scenario!!
I have also written a number of blogs on the same subject –
As Bhagavad Gita says lets keep doing our duty and accept the outcomes as God’s will!
December 29, 2021 at 7:20 pm
Fact: People who are fully vaccinated are still getting and spreading covid, therefore it’s illogical, unnecessary, unreasonable and illogical to mandate anyone who is NOT vaccinated to suffer persecution only when they aren’t vaccinated. Don’t you see, therefore, that there is no logical argument to say that people who aren’t vaccinated pose a threat to public health. We are truly “all in this together.”
December 31, 2021 at 2:11 am
Thousands of children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities are being DENIED ADEQUATE SUPPORT STAFF in hospitals due to illogical, unreasonable and unnecessary requirements to be vaccinated or show testing. The REALITY is many support staff that accompany people with autism and other disabilities DO NOT HAVE TIME to get a test that makes them WAIT 48 or 72 hours, okay? WAKE UP TO REALITY PEOPLE!!! People with autism depend on their support staff to protect and advocate for them in hospital settings that are notorious for neglecting and abusing vulnerable patients with autism and other special needs. Therefore it’s a matter of health and safety to ALLOW support staff in the hospital to protect and help them! While it’s perfectly understandable to require support staff wear masks, wash hands and adhere to infection control protocols, it is NOT reasonable or rational to prevent ANY support staff for vulnerable patients to not enter hospital given these patients very lives DEPEND on their support staff who know them and can aid hospital staff in helping and protecting these patients. Therefore, in the interest of public safety, in the interest of protecting our MOST VULNERABLE populations we must advocate that every state provide exemptions for home health SUPPORT STAFF that MUST accompany vulnerable patients with autism or down syndrome or any other developmental disability. ARE YOU AWARE that there are cases where hospitals have DENITED support staff entry to accompany an autistic patient and that patient was TOO MUCH for the hospital staff, and that patient ended up pulling off intubation tubes or jumping off the hospital bed or eating pillows or having seizures that went unnoticed by some RN’s in the hospital? Or how about vulnerable patients with special needs who are denied their support staff and end up having elevated behavioral issues in the hospital and then have to get unnecessarily physically or chemically restrained because they were DENIED their support staff? The need for support staff to accompany our most vulnerable patients in the community—patients who can suffer preventable harm without support staff— far outweighs the risk of covid in the community. Children and adults with special needs have been secretly HARMED and abused on hospital settings when their SUPPORT staff is denied entrance into hospitals due to irrational and unreasonable covid policies. Some support staff have testified they were denied entrance into hospitals to protect their home health patients because they were “unvaccinated’ yet support staff that were allowed in and were FULLY VACCINATED later got covid and were never tested or denied entrance. The solution is make an exemption for ANY SUPPORT STAFF to enter a hospital during this so called pandemic and be ExEMPT from any testing or vaccine requirement because the pervasive and critical need for support staff to PROTECT the health and safety of our most vulnerable citizens far exceeds the ever changing acute ambiguous guidelines for covid. So long as we don’t have support staff refusing to comply with masks and infection control as in washing hands coming into hospitals they should be ALLOWED to come in since we were told masks and hand washing and basic infection control will stop the spread. Any support staff that refuse to wear masks should be barred. Therefore, if the support staff for vulnerable patients adhere and agree to masks hand sanitation should be allowed to protect vulnerable patients. That’s fair, reasonable and rational, especially given people who are fully vaccinated still get and spread covid.
Jason Smith
January 9, 2022 at 5:45 pm
I’m am so very thankful for this!! If I had a billion I’d give it to you. My wife has cancer, I depend on my job for the medical insurance. I’ve been stressing this for months. Every thing I have been searching for is right here! I am going to draft a letter to my employer using the facts you have provided. I’m not against vaccines and I think this mRNA will be great in the future but not now. I’ve had COVID 3 times once was the Delta. I’ve survived it all with no shot. I believe in America and our individual Rights, but something just isn’t right about all this COVID hype. Thank you so much!
January 11, 2022 at 11:53 am
Love it!
January 11, 2022 at 11:53 am
January 11, 2022 at 11:54 am
i love the vax it make me feel gofb[obaefobeff nhbpebihd
January 11, 2022 at 11:57 am
i love the work keep it up and hopefully you will make enough to get out of the basement. 😉
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