Dozens of dogs confirmed sick in the investigation into Monsanto (GMO Soy producer ) popular dog food Advance Dermocare,
NINE Australian Police dogs Have died
Beware of foods made By Mars and Cadburys, both owned by Monsanto. aka Monsatan
Censorship, Monsanto and The Media: Boycott Monsanto Products – by Elaine Hollingsworth
How did Barack Obama become Monsanto’s man in Washington? – by Jon Rappoport

and if these sites don’t tickle your taste buds just a little, we will say no more. This planet is we’ll and truly finished. We are the architects of our own destiny. So wake up and smell the crap we are being sold
The Obama article is a doody
So what can we do, other than sitting back like wimps and allowing the scoundrels to get away with murder? BOYCOTT! That’s what we can do, and there isn’t a more deserving company than Monsanto to start with. There are many internet sites that list the shocking, Earth-destroying things Monsanto has been doing and still is still doing around the world. Or, just think about the way they are destroying Argentina in the name of the bottom line: in order to keep the world awash in their poisonous, genetically-modified soy, they are stripping Argentina of 10,000 hectares of forest each year. The equivalent of 20 football fields per hour! This is staggering, and in five years Argentina ‘s native forests will be lost forever. Tribes that have lived for thousands of years in the forest are being destroyed as giant bulldozers, linked together with enormous chains, ram through the forests, tearing up the life-giving trees, and piling them up and burning them. The forest-dwellers simply stand and stare, utterly devastated and bewildered by the destruction of their lives.
Horrible, toxic clouds of pesticides are raining down on people who have no defense and nowhere to run. Farmers, who have lived for centuries practicing crop-rotation and organic agriculture, are being pushed out of their homes and will starve, thanks to Monsanto Chemical Company
Monsanto, in my opinion, the evilest multinational on Earth (I’m one of tens of millions who feel this way), is so rich and powerful that before their program was set to air, Acre and Wilson were told it had been pulled from the Murdoch-owned TV station, WTTV.
The good news is that Acre and Wilson have filed a lawsuit under the Whistleblowers Act, charging that WTVT bowed to pressure from Monsanto, killing their four-part series, which could have saved countless lives. This backfired on the egregious Monsanto because they received dreadful press due to this lawsuit. But do they care? I don’t think so: they amass billions every year in spite of being the most hated company on Earth.
The most telling comment in this sorry tale of greed and corruption is what Fox Vice President and WTVT General Manager, David Boylan, told reporters:
Is that our future — to be told by Monsanto and many other polluting, poisoning multinationals, and press czars such as Rupert Murdoch, what is good for our health and for the health of our planet?